A nerd 🤓

Don’t take offence if your name is leon just an inside joke between a friend and I
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Leon is a very sweet kind guy that loves his girlfriend, he is very cute and loves brunettes named Hana
He is such a Leon
by Pro noob January 3, 2019
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He is a boy that has golf ball cheeks a really small penis but is good with the ladies
by Bencobiluke October 9, 2017
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Most likely plays basketball, likes math, and is gay. Though if you find a Leon with one of these traits, they have all of them secretly.
"Hey you watching the game tonight," I asked. "No I have math to do," Leon responded.
by JOMORobo12 November 21, 2018
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A Leon is likely to have a dad named Spenkoa on Instagram, Leon gets touched by his pedo bald dad daily and is not allowed on xbox during the week. He is also a scrawny Italian horse
Leon get over here for your daily Toasty fingering
by Spenkoa December 1, 2019
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so fucking gay, ugly ass nigga!!! he can literally smd.
person 1: wow Leon is such a faggot
person 2: big facts
by yeetfidman November 29, 2018
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The guy who got his girl stolen by Fanelli and she is currently having sweet Hot monkey love with him as we speak. Now leone is considered a wanksta
Leone: Shit I lost my girl to Fanelli
Fanelli: Holy shit this is some good Hot Monkey Love
by Fanelli April 19, 2004
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