1. Adj. Possessing a nature of being extremely excitable upon the entrance of an acquaintance, friend, or love that has not been seen by the subject for what would seem like a long time for the subject, but is usually considered a short time. Can also describe someone who glomps a lot.

2. Adj. Describing a nature of being glomp-happy.

Very often, glomp-happy people are extremely cheerful and bubbly, but cheerfulness and bubbliness do not necessarily indicate a glomp-happy nature.
"Kaira's a really glomp-happy person. Just look right there."

Kaira: OhmygodIhaven'tseenyousince... this morning! *glompglomp*
by Tenna Deinra March 30, 2006
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When after being glomped so many times you start to suffer from cracked ribs, diziness and a vague longing for air.... O_O
Girl: *runs and glomps her boyfriend*
Boy: Can't... breathe....
Girl: Oh sorry! *lets go*
Boy: Dude, you glomp me so much I think i'm suffering from glomp syndrome.
by mrs quinto April 11, 2009
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To glomp with double the energy and power.....usually ending with somebody injured.
Person A: (Double glomps Person B)
Person B: (Has a broken rib) Oww, why did you double glomp me?
Person A: I missed you ^___^
by Super Duper Mega Ultra November 27, 2009
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A variation of the glomp, in which the glomper violently kills the glompee by crushing thier ribcage. This is an act which symbolizes close friendship.
by ibjt4ever May 22, 2006
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A sexual act of a mysterious nature, to glomp rather than to romp
person 1 : hey, what you doing?
person 2 : I'm glomping
by Other guy October 9, 2008
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To put ones mouth over the nose of someone and lick, suck or blow upon it.
She glomped her girlfriend, causing her to giggle madly.
by Isabella Moon June 8, 2006
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Similar to the glomp, the reverse glomp involves the glomped party turning a glomp back on the glomper. Usually the glomper is still atop the glompee, the glompee then quickly rolls to the side taking the glomper with them, pinning them beneath, effectively reversing the glomp.
Dude1: Dude! Did you see that?
Dude2: No, what?
Dude1: That dudes girlfriend just glomped him and he pulled a reverse glomp! Now their in postion for a good fuck!
by Jack Rogers February 2, 2008
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