either of the two common sexes (male and female), especially when considered with reference to social and cultural differences rather than biological ones. The term is also used more broadly to denote a range of identities that do not correspond to established ideas of male and female, such as non-binary, gender-fluid, agender, etc.
in reference to biological sex (not necessary knowledge if you are going to have nothing to do with their sex life or health/doctoral needs)
person 1:what gender are you?
person 2: I am (insert biological sex)
person 1: okay, cool.

in reference to gender identity (a good thing to know when referring to a person by pronouns)
person 1: what gender are you?
person 2: I am (insert gender identity<can be something outside the box of biological sexes>)
person 1: okay, cool
by |-Alastor-| June 23, 2020
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the way a person identifies. A spectrum. Examples include male, female, genderfluid, agender...
My gender, agender, can be described as a lack of gender.
by Heather and Liz January 3, 2019
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Different from sex. Two sexes, many genders/ gender identities .
Whatever gender you are is valid
by Non binary rat ●W● September 23, 2019
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There are only two genders:Male and female. There are no other genders on this Planet and If you think so you must be pretty GAY sir.
,,I identify as Attack Helicopter"
,,He disrespects the genders by making a New one Up. Throw Stones and your blunts at this Nigga."
by Realest White N word December 19, 2018
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Generically looking like a gender. Male of female stereotype.
Bob: What did she look like?
Jim: She was a genderic looking girl.

Bob: Oh I see, a typical American white girl with Starbucks coffee.
by babyhuey235695 January 3, 2014
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