v. The act of making your songs sound the same.
I was too lazy to think up some more lyrics for our band, so I just started DragonForcing it.
by Toxicity14 November 27, 2007
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sh1t band that everyone loves just because they play fast music even though its all the same. never heard of before guitar hero 3. GET OVER IT! ESPECIALLY U C.A.F. IF YOU'RE READING THIS
by TLLOTFOLASlol September 10, 2009
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A"inhuman" force in the music industry. The most intense power metal band known to any form of life.If you don't like chest pounding double bass, string splitting guitar and bass licks, or gut wrenching metal vox.....which is the equivalent to a roller coaster that relentlessly tosses you around non-stop throughout the ride, i strongly suggest you don't even think about listening to CD's such as Inhuman Rampage, Sonic Firestorm, or Valley of the Damned. These band members are truly gods amongst men. How you ask?
The rain is from Herman Li's guitar crying for mercy.
The wind is Herman Li's blistering sweep picking.
One time at a campfire, the fire went out. Luckily Herman was there because he started shredding on acoustic and the friction of his fingers set his guitar ablaze, and yes, they then did have fire.
Thunder is David's pounding double bass.
these are a few examples of the sheer POWER that is Dragonforce
by Jordan Z. December 20, 2007
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The most kick-ass band ever with the golden god Herman Li as a guitarist.
The. Best. Band. Ever. Is. Called. DragonForce.
by Dragonforcefan101 December 29, 2009
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a band that sounds amazing on the album but live play in lower keys so their vocalist can still sing and change the fast shred guitar solos to fit their actual shredding ability
"dude, i started listening to (insert band name here) a few months back. they came to town last night and played a show. i went and was very disappointed by what i heard. they can't play worth shit live."

"sounds like a Dragonforce."
by Mama Lookaboobooday August 28, 2008
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Someone who happens to dislike the Power Metal band Dragonforce.
Kid A: Hey what'd you do last night?
Kid B: Oh, I went to a Dragonforce concert. They were pretty dec-
Kid A: OH! MY! GOD! You like Dragonforce, that is so gay! You know they only became famous due to Guitar Hero?
Kid B: Well, yes but-
Kid A: They only have one song you know?!
Kid B: What about Fury of the Storm or Operation ground and p-
Kid A: You know they speed up their songs?!
Kid B: You don't have any proof of that. You probably just read it on the internet.
Kid A: THAT DOESN"T MATTER, THEY'RE STILL GAY! DRAGONFORCE ARE FAGS! *Screams then convulses on the ground*
Kid B:........Are you alright? Dude? Dragonforce hater?
by D@90E M^$T@7NE April 11, 2010
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The wrist injury that frequently results from attempting to play "Through the Fire and Flames" by Dragonforce, on Guitar Hero 3. It's a combination of both carpal tunnel and a sprain in the left wrist, sometimes accompanied by a slow dull ache in the right wrist.
The only way to avoid Dragonforce wrist is to never attempt playing "Through the Fire and Flames". However, since this is nearly impossible for the red-blooded Guitar Hero loving American male, an hour long break may ease the pain.

Slash has Dragonforce wrist even though he owned the song and the game blew to freaking pieces because of his awesome guitar wizardry.
by Jona-Tron December 15, 2007
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