When someone says or does something incredibly dumb and you verbally rip them to pieces.
Person1: This guy yesterday told me the earth isn't a planet
Person2: What did you say.
Person1: I gave him a verbal beatdown.
by D3ADLY R3CONZ August 29, 2014
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1.Mythical place that is used to describe a home for the down trodden,losers,outcasts,as well as other social disasters.

2.Place where idiots,and morons are relegated to when their actions are deemed "Beatdown worthy".Here they will be pounded into submission and reformed.

3. Nickname for Wildwood,Fl
When that chick on her cell phone cut me off in the turning lane,I caught up to her at the light and took her to Beatdown City! Her phone looked great under the wheels of that semi.
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The daily beatdown is what you are required to do that you do not want to do, for most likely 6-8 (or more) odd hours in the day. This ranges from being a student and taking stupid bullshit classes, to maybe working a cash register and checking out stupid people who don't understand why their veterans discount doesn't apply to Haines briefs, to also maybe waiting tables at some shitty restaurant so you can make ends meet and repeat the same undesired process for the same undesired results. Not to mention you have to wake up in the morning to an alarm that is clearly your enemy at an unfavorable time. This is the daily beatdown.
Example A

"Hey how was school today?"

"Ugh the daily beatdown was horrible today. I have so much homework I won't be able to enjoy the nice weather today, and if I don't do it I won't get to pick which college I go to."

Example B

"My soup is cold"
"Um ma'am this soup is served cold."
"Well heat it up will ya?? I've been waiting five minutes for my food and I haven't eaten all day!! Some service???"

This, is the daily beatdown.
by Space Wrangler May 9, 2020
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Sexual intercourse while hit songs from the Notorious BIG is playing in the background. Orgasms are 62% more likely during a Biggie Beatdown due to the overwhelming effect it has on African American males.
"Keep talkin dirty to me like that, you about to catch a Biggie Beatdown!"
by Dat_Ninja June 28, 2012
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When a scene gang decides to have a fight and beat someone up.
Q:did you see that fight at bring me the horizon last night?
A:yeah it was a right myspace beatdown
by mzzybeatdown October 6, 2008
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noun,:the process of a white person getting beaten up and shanked(stabbed) by a group of african- american males
my friend is now racially insentitive toward black people because he got a cracker beatdown by some thugs in his neighborhood.
by luke finn March 4, 2010
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