chill we get it you can type this word, don’t need to flex. anyways, antidisestablishmentarianism is the opposite of disestablishmentarianism of the church OF England.
that guy thinks he can pronounce antidisestablishmentarianism. ahahah
by the.urbandictionary May 19, 2022
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Something your class nerd likely said to try and feel superior. Don't sweat it.
Also, according to many (but not all) linguists, longest word in the English language.
See also: ultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis
Do you know what antidisestablishmentarianism means?
by R2C December 26, 2019
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A word that is used as a safe word during sex because no one really cares what its definition is.
The safeword is Antidisestablishmentarianism.
by legacy Skiye January 29, 2018
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a group of people AGAINST the group of people AGAINST the church of england.
no one really knows what this word means </33
what’s the longest word you know??”
bicth ur lying lol”
by Swag24/7 October 27, 2020
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Antidisestablishmentarianism is opposition to breaking away from an established church. Antidisestablishmentarianism is used to specifically refer to people who opposed withdrawing support of the Anglican Church of England during the 1800s.
In other words; The political position of opposing disestablishment.
She played a joke on me and dared me to spellantidisestablishmentarianism.”
by ぴかぴか January 27, 2022
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