the last thing you'd want in your ugandan chungus is ugandan chungus fungus. a 4channer uploaded a photo with the caption "this is the ugandan chungus you eat at chungus king"
guy 1: number 15: ugandan chungus fungus

guy 2: SHUT UP!!!!1!! sound effect (from smosh(
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When you ejaculate in the eye socket of someone (male or female) who has removed their glass eye (or has no eye)
Man, I gave this guy the biggest Ugandan Melting Pot last night, he loved it!
by Queef hunter November 8, 2018
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The most fabulous and powerful creature since the Ugandan Knuckles which arrived in December 2017.
Boy 1: "Have you heard about the Ugandan Chungus meme?"
Boy 2: "No, that meme sounds as dead as the Ugandan Knuckles meme, you normie".
*Boy 1 dies*
by BlazingZ January 14, 2019
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An act of assault where you sucker punch someone directly in the Nose. Same idea as the Indian burn.
I’m gonna give patty an Ugandan Punch
by Fortnite1500 February 20, 2022
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A Uganda sizzler is the act of having a spicy sausage, ejaculating over it and consuming it afterwards.
Steve prefers his Ugandan sizzlers to be wet before they're edible.
by Gandhiwhips November 5, 2017
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when u cum into a water balloon, freeze it melt it and then drizzle it over your dead wife's head. Extra flavor can be added with fresh pubic hair, preferably black, sprinkled over.
by nicholas gurr November 3, 2019
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A red little baby with his iconic lines such as:

Do you no tha wae? And Spit on tha fake kween.

He lives In uganda and was also situalted in vr-chat. But you saw well, WAS knuckles is dead. RIP KNUCKLES
by Sugafree_mints_ May 16, 2018
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