Anyone oriental who substitues 'R' where 'L' should be in English Pronounication without noticing
'Crod I have some Remon Juice?'

'We won't serve such a Textbook Immigrant here'

'Oh, I aporogise'
by PsuedonymAntonym July 19, 2009
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Using the simplest form, and sometimes the broken down version of a language, to communicate. Though not to be confused with the indoor voice, phone voice, child-speaking voice, and/or cave-man voice; the immigrant voice specializes in utilizing basic nouns and verbs to communicate a need or want.
Phone Voice - "Sally, that was delicious! I can't believe it's not butter!"
Immigrant Voice - "Yes, very good." Accompanied by a smile and a head nod of approval

Phone Voice - "Excuse me miss, can you show me where the restrooms are?"
Immigrant Voice - "Hi smile, restroom?"
by BlueSnowFlakeYellowDuck June 19, 2019
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(a very offensive term I found on Craigslist): for a Western country to be letting in immigrants from Third World countries and at the same time outsourcing the low skilled jobs that these immigrants are capable of doing.
before embarking on an Immigration Industry policy, Western governments should, IMHO, first learn what ethnocultural neo-anthropology is all about ethno
by Sexydimma February 13, 2015
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(a very offensive term I found on Craigslist): for a Western country to be letting in immigrants, even undocumented immigrants with no criminal records, from Third World countries and at the same time outsourcing the low skilled jobs that these immigrants are capable of doing.

before embarking on an Immigration Industry policy, Western governments should, IMHO, first learn what ethnocultural neo-anthropology is all about
by Sexydimma November 22, 2016
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Binge drinking with fellow retarded immigrants with no consideration for obligations or consequences
“Hey where’s that dumb fuck Alen today?”
“Oh, he’s not here, he must’ve been out immigranting last night”
by Edski2020 September 30, 2020
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Binge drinking with fellow retarded immigrants with no consideration for future obligations and responsibilities.
“Hey why didn’t that faggot Alen come to work today?”
“Oh, he was out immigranting last night”.
by Edski2020 September 30, 2020
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Sam most know for being a illegal immigrant and dommy mommy of TheBlueKnuckles
Sam the immigrant prob using knuckles for a green card
by Nutsack444 April 22, 2022
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