A masturbation technique in which an individual wraps his non-dominant arm around the posterior side of his leg, and proceeds to jaggin off frum da back.
Russell came to invent the technique known as the backhand freaky freak one day when he was getting high to gay porn.
by jonny69 September 23, 2009
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While sitting indian style, you lean back and place your hand under your leg onto your dong, stroking it backhand style.
I was bored on friday night, so I amused myself by watching murder she wrote while stroking it old school backhand.
by DaCoach's Mustache March 29, 2010
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The act of shitting on the back of your hand and slapping someone across the face.
Bro 1: My girl has been cheating on me with some hockey player. Bro 2: Don’t sweat it dude, he’s got a Baton Rouge backhand headed his way.
by Frunkle December 4, 2020
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This sex maneuver can is mainly preformed during doggy style or anal sex with the girl on all fours receiving the penis. Whilst giving it to the woman from behind, you are standing in an awkward position with your knees outwards in order to get your genitals to the same height as the woman. The awkward, but yet power thrusting stance, can be related to a frog. Right as you are about to ejaculate, you thrust with your gluteus and your hamstrings and leap over the girl who is being fucked. With a quick spin in the air, you will land feet first with the girl still on all fours at the edge of the bed. You then blow your load into her face and backhand her right where the spunk has been sprayed all over her slutty face.
Brendan Huff: "Dude did you hear about Shanequa the other day?"

Robert Dobak: "No."

Brendan Huff: "her husband gave her the works the other day. He fucked her doggy style then he surprised her when he was did a Portuguese Backhanded Leap Frog and slapped the fuck out of her goo covered face."

Robert Dobak: "Damn. What a Pimp! I wish somebody would give me a A Portuguese Backhanded Leapfrog"

Brendan Huff: "You're such a fag dude. But i want one too... lets do it to each other, real talk, no homo?
by Harry Alfred-Batman Dumbledore December 14, 2011
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A way to snap the fingers where, at the beginning of the snap, your hand is directly in front of you and, by the end of the snap, your hand has been swung (or 'waved') toward the outside. (For example, the right hand is swung toward the right). The swing and snap are simultaneous.

Sometimes (usually?) done the the other hand placed on the hip. This snap is done particularly well by gay people. Thus the name. NOTE: not usually a snap used to accompany music but rather, to emphasize a point.
"Girl! Just LOOK at this apartment! You couldn't even clean it was a tactical nuclear weapon! You're gonna need a genie to just (fabulous faggot backhand-snap, here) snap his fingers, to clean this mess!"
by wordbird June 29, 2006
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what you say to someone when you are about to pimp slap them. you show them your backhand and say discipline and then show them your forehand and say abuse
Pimp Slapper:(Backhand) Discipline,(Forehand) Abuse, dont make me discipline you
by GeToNtHeTrAiN May 15, 2010
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(said as one word.) The act of backhand bitch slapping someone (especially someone who is a bitch) twice in succession.
She wouldn't listen, so I had no choice but to double-backhand-bitch-slap her.
by Matty O January 20, 2004
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