one of the best players in the AFL, some might even say the best of all time, very consistent contested ball winner and always racks up the disposal count above 30. brownlow medallist as well and 3 time collingwood B&F just o top it off!

also he loves a decent tattoo with both his arms and parts of his chest and other body parts done as well
"who is that unit with the ball?"

"thats dane swan again"

"again.. thats like 47 for the game now"

"yeah well it is against port adelaide"
by swanny2011 October 10, 2011
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a whiny, spoiled, bitchy, self-centered character in the Twilight series. Ends up with Edward. Has no real personality except for the fact that she cant walk in a straight line and loves fucking Edward Cullen. Is the girl most girls (and some boys) want to be only because she screws Edward.

SmartPerson: "You want to be a klutzy whiny bitch?"
by BellaIsABitch June 4, 2009
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The romantic pairing of Emma Swan and Captain Hook, aka Killian Jones, on the ABC TV show, Once Upon a Time.
That Captain Swan kiss last night on 'Good Form' was very hot. OUAT never fails to be the best!
by November 2, 2013
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Possibly one of the worst written, most irritating characters in modern literature.
Bella is a whiny, two-faced idiot, with a severe vampire complex.
I don't understand how Stephenie Meyer managed to get a degree. I really don't.
Teenage girls that like vampires should not be allowed to read. That way, shitty vampire novels about Bella Swan and Edward Cullen would keep out of our bookstores.
by Mo'suckra June 8, 2011
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Bella Swan is a whiny cow in the Twilight Saga
Bella Swan: oh no, edward and jacob both love me.
-whinge whinge-
by Shelby Peatling [woot] February 22, 2009
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1. A character in the Twilight series

2. A painfully obvious Mary-Sue
Bella Swan is such a sueish character!
by Mika Dowlen (Lilac) February 20, 2009
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