When one poops in a toilet that is already full of toilet paper. The formation resembles the baby Moses floating down the Nile in his basket of reeds.
Brian made a Baby Moses when he took a dump, wiped himself, and then sat down to poop again.
by cg115 February 24, 2011
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An exclamation of surprise, like when I test drove my car for the first time and the turbo came in.
Me: Mmm, sounds ok, bit slow though.

2 seconds later...

Car: Fsssssssssssssssssstttttt Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaap Ptchooooooooooo
Me: CRIKEY MOSES!!!!!!!!
by Wise Man November 20, 2003
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A term for a girl who allows you to part your ballsack on her nose like the Red Sea - each testicle resting on either cheek.
"Yeah bro, parted my ballsack on my nose moses yesterday. Needless to say she didn't enjoy it."
by jc42069 November 22, 2017
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This is a maneuver administered to somebody who is trapped in a conversation with somebody with a voluminous mouth and feels that he has no polite escape. Somebody else (acting as Moses) delivers him (the victim) from bondage by calling their cell phone. The victim will say something like “I really need to take this call”. If the maneuver is successful, the talker (perpetrator) will go away. Also, when the caller identifies himself as Moses, the victim will immediately know what has just happened.
Look! Kevin’s cornered by Sarah. I can tell by the look on his face that he wants “out” of the conversation. I’m going to call his cell and administer the Moses Maneuver.
by The RogueWave February 27, 2009
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When you are on the toilet at work and you spread your asscheeks to minimize any fart sounds which would make your coworkers weirded out and silently judge you.
Man A: Yeah man you gotta do the Moses Fart around these people, they'll silently judge you for farting!
Man B: I miss the days where a man could let a fart in at work without being silently judged...
by Filiosp April 14, 2020
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When you take a dump so large, that the water in the toilet parts.
Holy shit, dude, I just had to drop a moses and the water splashed out.
by TonyS DanzaS August 26, 2006
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It's when a person sets their own pubic hair on fire and then listens for the voice of God
While jimmy was home alone, he performed a flaming Moses in an attempt to get closer to God.
by SPANKY1113 March 24, 2017
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