A really cute asian girl.

Relative to the term black man's kryptonite; made popular by the movie Undercover Brother.
"I went to Las Vegas this week and there was so much White Man's Kryptonite there I nearly lost my sh*t!"

"Cute asian girls make me come undone, they're White Man's Kryptonite!"
by Riko May 6, 2005
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a really hot/cute white guy
josh is has blue eyes and dark brown clean cut hair and is in medical school to be a doctor...he's such a black woman's kryptonite
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A variety of kryptonite created by Mr. Mxyzptlk that inflicts random physical changes in Kryptonians. Word has it that Mxyzptlk transferred a portion of his sample or stockpile to the obscure Internet user SonicDeathMonk3y.
Ben claimed that SonicDeathMonk3y's red kryptonite cremated his Pikachu.
by Eszett February 27, 2004
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A word found when the "random" button is pressed, but isn't defined yet
I think i desire to beseech me some good chuckles!
Ho! A random button? I shalt surely press that!
Alas, the word hasth no meaning!
Damn thee, black woman's kryptonite.
by Bmos May 6, 2008
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A really fine white girl!!! One that is totally hot. Just ask any white man who has worked hard all his life to achieve success then "blows it" because of such a girl. Or leaves his wife for one. Just because the para-phrase Black Man's Kryptonite became popular after a latecoming movie "Undercover Brother" doesn't mean that the original phrase hasn't been around for years. Asian men, Black men, Superman and men around the world do not corner the market, nor are immune to this form of "kryptonite"!!!
Did you see all of the "White Man's Kryptonite" on the Bikini Open Show last night??
by BRS 1 April 26, 2007
A hot redhead with pale skin, green eyes and a nice ass
You ever heard of Justine Jolie?

She was a Latin Man's Kryptonite
by OmegaSaiyan92 June 16, 2022
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specifically a thick, big Booty white girls with colorful eyes. (Preferably) green, gray, blue.
Damn… look at shawty with the fat ass and pretty eyes; she most definitely Black man’s Kryptonite.
by MitchGrant July 31, 2021
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