To sign off abruptly on someone.
Guy 1: Hey did you talk to him about saturday?
Guy 2: I couldn't, he pulled a kevin on me.
by D3k4ll September 30, 2010
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A kid that gets baddass girls just turning his back , has swaag out the ass , best dress game in his school , is on sum g shit , and is very cute .
Oh my god ! Kevin is soo cute I love him !
by Flyyboy July 29, 2011
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A realistic, egotistical, narcissistic, spoiled, smart-ass who can't take criticism and only cares about himself. He makes friends easily and everyone hates him for it. He is also annoying, loud, and has no filter. He can be sweet can caring, but only if he wants to be.
Person 1: You know what your problem is?
Person 2: What?
Person 1: You act too much like a Kevin.
by whydoyoucareatall March 5, 2019
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A overly egotistical chinese person who always put himself above others. He often has a small penis
He is a Kevin
by SIUSD August 7, 2022
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Coolest man around if you’re with Kevin then you know he has a big Dick ladies love Kevin as he is always ready to pull out his big Kevin
Nancy-Did you see the size of that dick on Kevin?
by Bigdickhurts April 23, 2019
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A guy who is not a sexual fiend and is too "kevin" to make up a definition for himself. he does not
"That kevin is totally different from those cock-obsessing jock kevins'"
by ieezsooperawzumninja(= February 8, 2010
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A Kevin is a type of guy that one could probably catch watching bizarre movies like Hollywood Chainsaw Hookers. The typical Kevin spends most of his time looking for a female (or male) counterpart to explore pornographic fantasies with him.

These fantasies include, but are limited to:
Orgies (MMF, FFM, etc....etc.)
Double penetration
Titty fucking

A Kevin often asks strangely obvious questions to the female (or male) he is courting. Sometimes it is easy for the Kevin to fall into complete obsession. At this point, the prey of the said Kevin should immediately cut all possible contact to avoid being exposed to any infectious matter. If such exposure does occur, the afflicted individual must be hospitalized over night.
"You alive?"
"That's such a Kevin thing to say..."

"You look indisposed. Have you been exposed to a Kevin lately?"
by verysweet10B April 19, 2010
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