a person who is soooooo jealous that they cant help but be jealous of other people even if they arent awsome. they get jealous over everything. for example...bigger boobs or slices of cake. you get the jizz
jeez gio, why are you such a jealous janet??
by Nifty Lili August 25, 2008
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A dumb stripper that looks like Hiroshima's mushroom cloud after overdosing on methamphetamine who refuses to cancel school despite people getting hurt.
"That dumb stripper that looks like Hiroshima's mushroom cloud after overdosing on methamphetamine didn't cancel school again and now I'm pissed"
"oof was it janet graham?"
"Yes uwu"
by xX_Epic_UwU_Xx January 30, 2019
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Pale flying zombie that is extremely violent that swears in every other sentence.

She also carries a curse that is called The Curse of the Pale Zombie.

This curse is passive and is placed onto anyone that becomes intimate with her, changing them into crack heads...
Hey guys. I am fucking Janet Wong. I am so violent and want to punch you. Where the fuck is the ladies room.
by Janet Wong January 9, 2008
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A person who deceives midgets on a bed of Thin Mints.
Dirty Janet didn’t want my cookies
by MamaGirlGuides May 20, 2019
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One with a face that goes ~wamb~ like the front of an airplane or, spaceship, in it's aerodynamicy and shape. A Janet de Spaceship moved easily through air currents, although some of her extremities limit her flow. These extremities sometimes include sirens, hair, rockets, fat rolls, bracelets, and sometimes wheels. The face is accentuated by a large nasal horn, or sometimes, cavity which radiates bitchiness and retardedness.

A 'Janet de Spaceship' is usually a drunk whore.
"That chick's nose is ****ing huge, she looks like a Janet de Spaceship."

"You're too drunk, Janet, let's get you back to your spaceship."
by alliegeealleasy April 8, 2010
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Some weird girl who made the Panthers curserd by showing her titty during half time at the super bowl.
Janet Jackson+MTV+Justin Timberlake=boobies sticking out during the super bowl
by Jessica Puget...lol February 6, 2004
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