When you see a helicopter in the air, turn to the person closest to you and give/receive a helicopter high five!

No one really sees Volkswagen Beetles anymore, and punch buggies are slightly violent. Helicopter high fives are the same concept, minus the pain.
"Ashley, do you see that helicopter towards the beach?"

"Ohhh yes I do! Helicopter high five!"
by Ellie-Mae October 13, 2012
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Performing a marijuana transaction by double high fiving with money in one hand and receiving marijuana in another.
Lee: "You got the stuff?"
Preston: "Don't be weird about it, just give me a loud high five..."
by loudhighfive August 2, 2017
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High Five-jacking refers to the act of hijacking someone's high five. This happens when two people are about to high five, but a third person raise his/her hand and gives one of them a high five before the initial one is performed, thereby hijacking it.

The action is also quite similar to a high five leech.
Kris: I'm so stoked now, Hennick! Give me a high five!
Hennick: YEAAAAAH!!!
Magnus raises his hand faster than light and gives Kris a high five while Kris is trying to high five Hennick (the High Five-jacking).
Kris: S**t, we were high five-jacked!

Hennick: That was AWESOME!!!
Kris: Yeah, I'm even more stoked now!
by Offpiste-M December 27, 2010
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When three guys who have hooked up with the same girl all high five.

Two rules:

1. They must have been friends before they hooked up with the girl.

2. Anytime two members initiate the high five the third is obligated to join.
Matt: Did you see Bradley went home with Sarah last night?
Kevin: Yeah I heard dude, Triple high five!
Bradley: Ugh... you two are douches

"They all high five"
by USMA09 July 3, 2009
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Like the act of the Alaskan hot pocket. The Alaskan high five is when you shit into a medical glove and put it in the freezer until hardened and use the fingers inside of any hole of your choosing.
Come one babe we’re gonna Alaskan high five tonight
by Silica December 2, 2017
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Noun and verb describing a solid smack by the palm to someone's nose, eye, cheeks, and lips area, but can rarely include ears if done by a professional or Yao Ming. This phrase is typically used in a threat that is never executed. Reserved for talkers, not walkers.
Boss: "No complaints about coming in to work on Saturday morning, alright people?"
Kiss-Ass: "Oh, never! Let's do brunch."
Boss: "Raise your hand in favor."
Johnson: "I'll give you a hand...a high five in the face."
Boss: "What's that?"
Johnson: "McMuffins?"
by Seventothanine April 15, 2010
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To high five yourself by tagging your hand with the other.
Man I just pulled that gorgeous chick over there! Self high five!
by Lloyd June 18, 2006
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