When you're getting head and smash one ball into her eye.
I gave Angela a Guatemalan eye patch for her birthday.
by Sangeo951 August 21, 2016
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The act of inserting toy race cars, or other small objects into ones anal cavity through the aid of a PVC tube or other suitable pipe used to spread the sphincter opening.
Randy wanted to try something new in the bedroom. So I Stopped at the toy store and the Home Depot. I went home and jammed 4 Ft of PVC right up his unsuspecting ass. I was then able to launch a 6 pack of Hot wheels cars into his colon. He took the Guatemalan highway to pleasure town.
by IdrankALLdaPBR October 28, 2019
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When two females shave their heads and pour syrup on their tits.Then the male continues to ejaculate into their eyes while dipping waffles on the females heads and shoving them up his anal cavity.
I had such an amazing Guatemalan Breakfast this morning,I won't be able to shit sideways for a few months!
by Twisted peddler 90 April 4, 2017
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when you skin a guatemalan and roll up the skin and eat it.
Hey man you.. you ever tried this guatemalan rollup?
by GuatamalanRollup January 14, 2020
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Jerking off with pinky bone from a cadaver.
After hand surgery Kurt gave himself a Guatemalan stranger.
by Kurt-33021 November 26, 2015
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When you perform anal with your girl using your big toe, swirling it around until you get all the remnants out.
“Heard Sally let Jerry collect some Guatemalan Toe Jam last night.”
by LifesAJ_O_K_E June 23, 2023
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