A character or star you fall in love with while watching series or film.
My dvd bf/gf cheated on me with the new character they wrote in on the movie/show.
by jaebiggs87 March 1, 2018
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A sentence used by a crazy chinese man who can't speak English who approaches you out of nowhere asking if you would want to buy a DVD that he filmed in the cinema.
Mike Rotch: *walking down the road normally*

Chinese Man: *approaches Mike* Hey You! Man Wiv White Face!!!! Wan Buy DVD?!?!?!?!?!?!??!?!

Mike Rotch: No dude back off.
by JumpDaClifff May 31, 2011
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Also called "Vyond Prank videos", it's a very controversial type of video in which a person uploads a video (in most locations involve around prank openings with the usage of film/show's cover as a thumbnail). However, it misleads a title and instead shows a edited clip of a clip from another copyrighted franchise, or a repeat of another user's video, and the description only shows saying that viewers have been trolled by this.

This controversial trend have been circulating around YouTube between early-mid 2015, and are still occasionally being uploaded to this very day.
"Prank VHS and DVD openings are one of the worst types of videos i have ever seen on entire YouTube website." - Orange Book
by Ryan900USAYT February 10, 2022
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When you're watching a Disney movie and that dumbass thing plays that makes the entire group scrabble around for the remote before the message ends because it'll play 8 fucking 5 minute long advertisements if you don't
"This DVD is enhanced with Disney's Fastplay. Your movie and a selection of bonus features will begin automatically. To bypass FastPlay, select the Main Menu button at any time. Fastplay will begin in a moment..."

by honeycloudss January 4, 2021
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(adj) words that desribe someone's bootyor ass


straight to dvd means that a girl has nothing there

Oscar nominee means its pretty good but i've seen better

Oscar winner, means "damn" iwant to tap that

#1 in the box office means yeah its good but everyone is getting in to it
when a hot girl walks by
"hey you see that movie?"
"what did you think"
"oh, a definate nominee"
by Brian October 14, 2004
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A character from the ROBLOX MUGEN Game "DVD Man".
He is a default ROBLOX character with a DVD image on his torso. He has a DVD item used to cross large gaps.
- Have you played DVD Man?
- no mugen is an ip grabber ip lgger!!!!!!
by Kiffolisk November 11, 2021
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Mom Wants me To was the Dishes But Little does she know it’s a Juke DVD

If you buy shoes from Kjulio He gone Juke DVD yo Ass
by Kjfrmda44 October 10, 2018
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