Claire , where do I start she is the most amazing person in the whole wide world. When she passed people will remember her for decades after. If Claire is ur mum you are the luckiest person ever. She is caring, smarts and kind . Claire is the most beautiful person u will ever meant. If u are lucky enough to know a Claire u better cherish her so much and tell her that she is the most amazing person she n the world and you would be a fool to let her go xxxxx
Person one : who is that beautiful women over there ??

Person two : that’s Claire , u don’t know her ? Dam ur missing out.

Person three : I had a Claire once. She passed way but u think about her very day and I will never ever forget her she is the love of my life . I look forward to seeing her in Heaven xxxx . She was my Muma I miss her sooo much
by Friend if Claire’ s November 17, 2019
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Claires are always nice and usually have brown hair. She is really nice,short, and clumsy. She loves sports and is really good at soccer and or volleyball. Claires usually obsess over boys. Overall she is very likable and very nice.
she is a 10/10 toatally a claire
by oydoydiyxhcjvjlvljcohdiydtidyo February 5, 2018
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Claire is very smart and caring to other people. When other people need her help she would help you and make sure you know the meaning of the the question. She is always laughing with us girls and she loves hanging out with everyone. If you meet a Claire be caring and smart just like she did.
Claire is a defined person.
by NINJA 100 February 25, 2021
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An outgoing fun loving female, who loves to sing and gets along well with most people. Normally blonde, tends to be a bit clumsy and is beyond beautiful. The most amazing person you will ever meet. Funny, Smart, Kind, Gentle and a down right laugh. Tends to like a bit of wine now and then. Known to like Disney.
Randomer: Who's that woman over there carrying a Disney bag?
Friend: Oh that's just Claire
by Lover-bear219 July 21, 2012
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A sweet and always charming girl who loves boots, especially with pointed toes in outrageous colors. She likes toenail polish with names like Mysterious Mango. Any man who meets Claire wants to date Claire and most will not take no for an answer. Every girl considers Claire her best friend.
Claire is the highlight of our day; especially when she makes a quick trip to Elberta.
by njoymi February 2, 2010
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The sexiest girl you'll ever meet. She's a great kisser and is amazing in bed. Every guy wants to be with a Claire. she has a great personality along with a great body. She gets several boyfriends but has one guy that's always there for her. Other girls envy Claire.
Guy: man I want to be with Claire!
by caligirl310 August 31, 2011
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