noun : that area below the female waste line that moves like a well greased machine when in motion...
1. Check out that Booyah!!!!

2. MMMM MMMM that is some fine Booyah coming down the street.
by frizzle August 29, 2003
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An incredibly intense drinking game said to have originated in central Canada. It requires 4 dice and a Booyah Bible, and stats are recorded for all eternity. Do not attempt to play unless you are a seasoned drinker.
Dude I got so wasted last night playing Booya, and I got 17 points. Booyah!!!
by one piece November 22, 2009
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hey lil darlin your love is legendary you got the booyah it's almost fictionary.
by BOOYAHCHILD@AOL.COM January 21, 2005
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A former professional pugilist (boxer, wrestler, football player?) who has retired from the sport either by choice or in shame, and is now a mercenary for hire.

It occurred to me last night on the toilet that this would be a good meaning for the word "booyah".
I need five good booyahs for a quiet job downtown, know anybody?
by Professor Hazard February 11, 2005
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a nickname of someone that is very cool.

Lauren= Booyah

Booyah got sunburn cuse she didnt use sublock
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A greeting.. saying hello loudly and out there!
Booyah DID i scare ya?
Booyah mate
by jemi October 28, 2004
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Also known as "Pump and Dump" a "Booyah Screwyah" refers specifically to Jim Cramer speaking favorably about a security only to have his friends who work in finance unload or take a short position against the very same security. "Booyah" is Cramer's slogan to signify enthusiasm.
Cramer: I say Nividia is a buy buy buy!

Joe: Damn it! Cramer is pumping Nividia again. I bet it drops next week... another booyah screwyah.
by mrnicegeek August 10, 2010
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