To go somewhere very fast, to sprint.
" you see joe run"
" hell yah, he booked it"

" As soon as the cops came everyone just booked it"

" fuck, my parents it! "
by oodeee October 29, 2006
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1. A source of information.

2. A source of entertainment.

3. A tool barely used by todays societies, because it is not 'cool' to read a book.
1. The dictionary

2. Neil Gaimain's 'American Gods'

3. Which is a shame, really, because once upon a time (and today, in countries with little money) a book was a precious commodity.
by Alyson April 22, 2003
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A portmanteau of the words "boost" and "nuke". It is the act of getting a boosted nuke in the Modern Warfare 2 video game.

To obtain a booke, one player enters a random Free-for-All match, and when there's an extra slot open, the other player joins in and they both go hide somewhere on the map. Once they find a good hiding place, they begin exchanging kills, with the help of tactical insertion, until one of them achieves a 25 killstreak (or 24 using hardline) which is of course a tactical nuke.
In this case, it's not an actual nuke but only a 'booke' because it was boosted and wasn't achieved by normal means.

The most important things boosters must have:

Equipment - Tactical Insertion (If they don't have this, then they're pretty fuckin' stupid)
Perk 1 - Scavenger
Perk 2 - Cold-Blooded
Perk 3 - Ninja
Death Streak - Copycat
Hey Jim, do you wanna get a booke with me? I want to see what it's like to get a tactical nuke, and if we activate it quickly they'll get so fucking mad!

Hey look at those idiots trying to get a booke. They must suck at CoD so badly that they can't even get a nuke without having to boost.
by GrenadineGang August 31, 2010
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Where you run away or dodge any way not to get caught.
But I did as what I was told and booked it to the other side.
by girlpup September 1, 2015
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what you should be reading instead of being on the internet
An example of a book:
Animal Farm, which is my personal favorite
by Surly-U-Jest October 8, 2008
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one of the greater objects to fill free time with. reading a book induces feelings and thoughts not attainable anywhere else.
by oh,hellojan. April 30, 2007
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