Boofness is talking reckless without having his/her facts straight.
Nikolas Angel Rodriguez talks boofness all the time.
by Kitty💗 October 10, 2016
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So, boofing liquid cannabis is the act of utilizing cannabis oil in a syringe and shooting it up your rectum. It’s a very fast and intense high. You definitely need to get your snacks fast and get yourself to the couch or bed to chill as it hits fast. It’s so, so satisfying.
It’s been a VERY stressful week. Time to start boofing liquid cannabis to kick off the weekend. Oohhhh! Ahhh! Yassss!
by Purplenado March 8, 2023
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A type of strong-ass weed from sajmon that knocks you out.
There are rumors that the mighty boof is laced by bouffalant himself.
Mighty Boof is v2's ancestor.
"Mighty boof got me high af!"
"Hey, you got any more mighty boof?"
by bouffalant May 15, 2021
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The refusal to accept/ believe that someone is the penetrator during gay anal sex.
person 1: Yo I heard that john was on top with matt the other night
person 2: nahhh cant be cause hes a dingus boof.
by Aerot November 6, 2022
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A kick with the intended result being the kicker's foot going straight up the kickee's rear end.
"Dude, Jason pissed me off so I gave him a friendly boof kick."
by kookinit August 21, 2013
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Short for, Boof Star Global Industries, a corporation for good.
Boof Star is global infotainment company and religious organization dedicated to the Boof. It has attracted a cult like following of boof and boofing enthusiasts.
Followers of the Boof Star are commonly referred to as lil boofies. To join, you must accept the boof and share it. Sharing will increase your lifespan.

You can accept the boof yourself by following @boofstarx on Instagram or at
Accept the boof and share it, my lil boofy! Only then will Boof Star grant you longer life.
by FatherBoof November 23, 2021
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being really anxious but also too lazy to do anything about it
I’m so boofed right now.

Yes, Emily looks super boofed.
by pfooted December 12, 2021
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