A group of flamboyant gay men, usually found congregating at a local museum or art event; who care nothing about art or history, they just want to be seen and heard while having 'Cocktails' over Brunch.
Carla, see that group over there? Don't waste your time, they aren't going to buy any Art. They are just a brunch of queers.
by riderz777 May 4, 2022
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Anyone who hangs out at quick check because they have nothing better to to do with there life. They usually smoke cigarettes and marijuana. Quick check gave up so they stopped calling the cops on these queers so yeah don't become of them
by Roberto elinda June 28, 2017
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Dude came in with a ball cap pulled low and bought a soda with a 20. It was busy, and I didn’t think twice about the bill, but turned out he was pushing the queer.
by Weasel58 March 24, 2022
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a term describing a person whom acts as if homosexuality is their profession.
did u see the pink shirt tom bought the other day? wut a queer job!

dude.....that guy is a fucking queer job...lets kick his ass!

by awalter September 15, 2008
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A spotted yeen for their weird biology, gayness, how they're more related to cats than dogs despite looking more like dogs and their stinkyness from their diet, environment and grooming.
by Thor thy random September 6, 2023
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the opposite of a dank meme. A meme that is not funny in anyway, and is unnecessary, and is not one of those jokes that are so bad that they are funny.
person1: I had milk and cereal this morning! ha!
person2: queer meme.
by GruW October 18, 2016
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