Become famous without any skill or talent whatsoever.
SEGA's fans wanted a classic Sonic game, but SEGA didn't give a crap, and decided to take a Vanilla Ice and create Sonic Forces in 2017, another generic ass modern Sonic "game". Older games like Sonic Adventure 2 and Sonic 06 (hell yeah) were better than this...
by Raspberry Necessary 35 February 6, 2022
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A racist term typically used against people of European or Caucasian ancestry but could apply to any light skin person such as Middle Easterners or Mestizos. Derived from the spice Vanilla which appears to White or yellow in most forms.
by Beelz3bub July 8, 2021
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These girls are a lot like Pumpkin Spice Hoe just instead of overdoing the whole basic girl in fall thing, they don’t drink PSLs, they are hipsters. They drink French vanilla iced coffees. They always get the biggest size possible but never are able to finish.
Hey look over there, it’s that French vanilla hoe with her huge French vanilla coffee she won’t finish.
by angelica.eliza.and.peggy October 11, 2017
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2 people of asian ethnicity grouped up with a person of caucasian ethnicity for intercourse.
we need to find someone of the caucasian ethnicity to truly fill our Vanilla Oreo threesome
by Anonymoustuxedo6969 May 3, 2021
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When one ejaculates on their hand, and then slaps their partner with said ejaculate.
In trying to remain classy, I offered her the option of the vanilla glove.
by Forblano August 4, 2015
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