when you break up bud with your fingers
i ain't got no grinder, looks like i'll be hobo picking that shit
by 420gmoney January 17, 2013
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A term used to define a D&D player who does Murder-Hobo type shenanigans (such as randomly robbing NPCs) but doesn't have good stats to fight and kill their way out of a bad situation.
"I was playing like an absolute suicide-hobo when I used my 1st level halfling bard to lie and steal from some really strong dwarf NPCs. I absolutely would have died if they caught me.
by Ceaig69420 October 9, 2023
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Is a pastor that’s scheming and attempting to steal intellectual properties from his congregation. For Profit, but they say it’s nonprofit.
You know Pastor John is a Hobo Pastor.
by PrincessCheavon November 26, 2021
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Sexual move usually practised at night on a park bench, a bush or in a dumpster. Can be performed by same sex partners. Head to toe. Both partners have to be inebriated, fully clothed with only the genitals exposed. Traditionally both partners are homeless although it is on trend to simulate homelessness to participate.
"Saw two tramps tonight on the park bench doing the reverse hobo, it was some great fun times."
by Creator of the reverse hobo. December 16, 2013
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A god-like person, usually found to have a large penis.
See that Adopted Hobo, he really is awesome!
by D5a5n5i5e5l May 31, 2009
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