A unit of measurement equivalent to 1hr 35min (the length of the movie Shrek).
"See you in a shrek!" (1hr 35min)
"Dinner will be ready in half a shrek." (47.5min)
"My birthday is only 469.9 shreks away!" (1 month)
by iamqw3rty December 29, 2022
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any meaning fits yk.. don't be shreky ;)
It's a wonderful day to be shrek ( Jobibby )
I feel shreky today...

That's total shrek!
by theremustbesmth April 10, 2022
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Shrek my waifu <3
Person 1: Yoo did you watch Shrek 69, a cumming age?
Person 2: Yea I did, Shrek is my new waifu
by Zahori May 23, 2022
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the best ship ever no one can say anything about it as it is so perfect
Person 1:I ship PS1 Hagrid x Shrek
Person 2: So does everyone you're not original
Get the PS1 Hagrid x Shrek mug.
I sexy shrek kaka is when your partner girl/boy is doesn’t matter shits in your mouth and you smear it all over your body while singing I’m a believer
I just gave your great grandmother a sexy shrek kaka last night it was SOO hawt
by Possumssssss January 30, 2022
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