i fucking need time, ALONE time, without your dumbass, we’re still friends BUT I NEED TIME.
by moe fucka November 24, 2020
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a comment often said by femboys who are looking to bang others. the "man" being the person the femboy wants to bang and "oscar" being slang in the femboy community for wanting to bang someone.
by CombatWombat616 November 6, 2023
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I need some food!!!
I Need A Bug!: Crim be a good kitchen bitch and get me a damn bug.
by I Need A Bug! September 26, 2021
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Someone who would like to rail you that instant
Boy-Wanna fuck

Boy-I need your holes asap
by Avl November 27, 2021
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If you fail your chosen AIT (Advanced Individual Training) in the Army you get put into whatever bullshit job the Army needs people in but nobody wants. I.E. you’re gonna be a cook.
Hey man did you hear about Specialist Johnson failing out of the EOD course? They gave him the ol “needs of the army”

Ah shit man I hope Johnson knows how to cook shitty scrambled eggs.
by RamenPriest83 January 15, 2022
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A made up adjective white women use on Facebook to emphasize the perceived importance of an activity they are posting about, usually involving a vacation or spending time with family or friends. Meant to convey how busy the woman’s life is (hence why this activity was “much needed”), as well as how much the people tagged in the post mean to her/how it makes her look that these people are voluntarily included in her busy life. Every sentence in a “much needed” post ends in an exclamation point.
A much needed family movie night! The perfect way to end our first week back at work after our much needed 2-week trip to Cabo! Hope Ashley and Josh can join us next month on our much needed winery weekend! It can’t come soon enough!
by Gloria in te domine May 22, 2022
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