A guy that no matter how obscure the subject may be always has something to say. Often comments start in the form of a question, then lead to a diatribe on how one can get stronger Abs, or just some other random non associated garbage. Sometimes the person will talk in a whisper and drive everyone insane who is trying to listen, even though nothing that is coming out of that person's food hole is worth listening to. Often these people have names, but are often referred to with just facial expressions.
Hello I am Tommy Two Cents I know about advertising on cow hormones in Africa, which is famous for its ab workouts done in the jungle, similar to how I workout my abs, can you guys hear me? I have a microphone here, but I am not going to use it, because screw you.
by captain fucko March 17, 2018
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A male who is bisexual, is happy to have relationships with both men and women
by Barry Otter August 22, 2023
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A guy who gives no care of feelings is just a gangster who gets shit done
by Tomtom93 December 19, 2016
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Certified pasta expert/hustler, Tommy Finnerty is an all around nice guy and despite being sort of almost decent looking he still manages to be single. Tommy is also commonly mistaken with another registered sex offender Jeffery Dahmer, who Tommy often does celebrity impressions of. Tommy is the co-father of Sun Jae and a leading member in Alpha Pack.
Oh hey there Jeffery! Wait never mind, you’re just Tommy Finnerty.”
by Chas the Chad December 2, 2021
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a way to wreck person named tommy and destroy his mental well being. this insult can be used to attack people who mess up in the slightest and you what to show that you noticed it.
when tommy breathed too loud, the room erupted in a chorus of 'come ooon tommy.'
by 948302567829404leprechaun March 23, 2019
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An adjective used to describe a 'gym lad' or 'juice head' where their gym is a second home , and a meal must consist of protein ,bcaa's and creatine mono hydrate (creo) . It also may be used to who guides their friends through the gym and their meal plan to show them how to get a proper bulk
*tom has been in the gym for 5 hours .
Dave"tom get out of the gym you are being a Tommy O'Connor"


Dave "thanks tom for helping me with my gym plan and food plan it was a Tommy O'Connor move
by Boohs June 3, 2018
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the iq of tommy is literally 3.
The iq of tommy is so low that hes mentally retarded
by Yeet Yaw Yeet July 13, 2018
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