A way to Make your Kids retarded, Also a form of torture to normal human beings.
Guy 1: Dude i think your kid has Fortnite Control
Guy 2: He does play fortnite
Guy 1: ok lol
by SacknanaYT July 25, 2021
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When you're eating messy food while playing a video game and the game gets so intense that you have to use the fingers you've been eating with to make a game winning move.
"Damn! Had to use the greasy controller sacrifice"
by DamnItBillyWhy June 15, 2016
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Used to describe when a player that has aim assist dose not miss a shot.
Widely popularized by streamers such as Mongraal.
But is some cases is used to compare aim assist to aimbot.
Seen in this clip "Mongraal Controller Player Meme Clip" on youtube
streamer dies*
Streamer: "What thats a Controller player "
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Birth Control is the control of the Day of Birth of a child in order to get an intended Earthly effect.
The Earth will program the DNA depending on the day of birth. Deciding and ensuring which day that will be, other than the due date, is called Birth Control.
Each day nearest birth is one of 20 different types, also tones 1-13.
Although we know the James is due on March 3rd, we had him on the Feb 27th, because the best result would be for us to control the birth event date verses it happening when it happens. Our birth control also included possibly delaying James arrival 4 days.
by CaptainProMe June 12, 2017
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“I don’t think my pull out game was strong”

it’s fine I took my birth control”
by Idgaf4u September 17, 2019
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Controller zen is The script that runs on the device modifies your gun behaviour, for one it is a more heavily modified AIM bot and also corrects ALL the recoil of all your weapons meaning your AIM will be almost like a laser beam basically for losers who have no genuine skill in a game so they feel the need to cheat
Person 1: “yo bro i just got controller zen so we can play r6 together and not worry about those try hards

Person 2: “Yeaaaa you’re a loser for using zen literally just get better then we wouldnt have such a issue lame ass”
by Quantavious Bingle September 21, 2023
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