U think Eesha is the best, prettiest mf in the whole world
*peace sign* You think Eesha is the best
by 444.eeshax April 7, 2022
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Ur madly in love with Eesha, no questions asked
*peace sign* omg ur in love with Eesha
by 444.eeshax April 7, 2022
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When in the midst of parenthood, this is the "price" associated with letting your kid do whatever they're doing that would normally annoy the living piss out of you in order to obtain a brief solace to accomplish any sort of meaningful task you've set out to do.

Think of it in this context:

Your 4 year old is outside flinging mud against the house. They're preoccupied, and normally you don't want your kid caking your house in mud. However, maybe you're talking with a neighbor or doing yard work. You want to keep doing that thing because the kid is distracted for a bit.

If we think about the situation pretty simplistically, you can either:

A) Yell at them to stop, whereby they'll likely find something equally as irritating or perhaps dangerous to do while you're still engaged in whatever you were doing.

B) Let them keep doing it and stay distracted for an undetermined amount of time, hopefully a while.

So once you're basically weighing how disruptive your kid's activity is versus the bit of time you'll receive to do what you need to do.
Person 1: Yesterday Timmy was flinging gravel across the yard all over the damn place.

Person 2) Is that why my damn window is broken?

Person 1) Yeah, but you know, it was the price of peace. At least I was able to finish up the deck.
by Cloren10 January 22, 2023
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A shit school in Erie, PA. Full of entitled pieces of garbage who think they are better than everyone else for going to a private school. Everyone who goes there is bound to have a disability in some way.
“Hey dude we won our basketball game” “Nobody gives a shit, you go to Our Lady of Peace
by poopypantsjoe69 November 6, 2021
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Antonym to ‘passive aggressive’ but still as childish and/or immature. Example: Your crush walks into the gym. You the passive peaceful mirror your workout according to his/hers ensuring you are in line of sight at least 75% of the time, but at no time do you say hi or initiate any communication because you know you’re a spineless wussy. Moreover, he/she is CLEARLY aware of your presence but refrains from any passive aggressive behavior instead rising above the weakness you fail miserably at.
(At gym)

Hot Gym Patron #1: That guy over there always follows my routine, constantly stares, and always finds some weird way of walking right in front me but acts like it’s always an accident.

Hot Gym Patron #2: So annoying! I cant stand when someone is passive peaceful .

Grow up.
by Jeffrey Richards April 28, 2018
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A weapon of destruction and war that is supposed to bring peace
Time for those bastards over there to go...bring out the peace missile!
by Donnawilllose July 16, 2019
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