Being like the the French in WWII and just laying on your back taking the dicking from everyone.
Dude Rachel got the ole french missionary from the language club.
by Shanemane January 31, 2022
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A guy who is too scared to do back shots. Commonly found saying zoot and dude no way.
Damn Missionary Pat is being a bitch
by TMontana January 31, 2021
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an attempt by a gay man or lesbian to seduce a straight person of the same sex.
she isn't lesbian, so i am going to do some missionary work
by Lesbohoe October 7, 2017
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The act of having anal sex with another person while also in the missionary position. It is considered the holiest of positions for unmarried Christian couples as it does not involve vaginal sex and maintains the missionary position.
Person 1: Yo man, I want to have sex with this girl but she’s super religious and wants to wait until marriage!
Person 2: How about suggesting anal missionary? That way the relationship remains pure and holy in the eyes of God.
by Order 65 June 19, 2021
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A missionary dater is one of a religious faith, commonly Christianity, dating a person with differing beliefs (or commonly no beliefs at all), for the purpose of changing that person's beliefs or religion.
Carrie: There are far too many guys out there that don't have my same belief system so I shun them. But aren't I called to spread the good news..? *sigh* Life's busy and time too precious to waste it dating a nonbeliever...
Casey: "Heckkk no. I ain't no missionary dater!"
by K-Howard October 5, 2015
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