used to describe someone who you think is amazingly attractive, and that you'ed like to be with, or what you want to use to exspress your feelings toward that inperticular person of whom you are attracted to.
+I'm Sure Every1 has their own opinion on the matter/subject/topic !!!
and it's good that we all have ower own opinion or SEXY wouldn't mean as much to us and we couldn't use it to express so much affection and love for who we either are just attracted to or have loving/affectionat feelings toward.
by (Danielle) Sapphire_Blue January 26, 2007
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what nerds say when they see hard school work
Nerd 1: Hey Eric, did you see the homework that Ms. Hopkins assigned?

Nerd 2: Oh yeah! Thats some sexy stuff
by Brizzy Izzy July 26, 2011
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Hugh Spence

Look at hugh spence, he is sexy
Look at hugh spence, he is sexy
by Reggie April 10, 2016
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cool and all its counterparts is played out. Sexy is a far better choice.
That ride is sexy. ect ect
by jay March 14, 2005
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something a guy says because he noes dat if he says GET IN MY PANTS he will never get a girl.
(out loud)DAYUM mahh, yu lookin' mad sexy! (in his head)DAYUM!! i want her to B.J. me!!
by it's true! July 11, 2008
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im sexy
by _Pleb_ May 5, 2017
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