a video game played my nerds in their room all alone instead of talking to their girlfriends
by People names February 10, 2020
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When your fellow team mates in battle chop off your arms and you have to put the light saber between your legs
I was in battle with my friend he had a blue light saber and I had a red one he chopped off my arms and I looked like I had a erect penis from my light saber the light saber penis was very difficult to control between my legs
by Xander Zoul hey jare-bear ;) January 11, 2016
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cool abd prob masturbated to saber before
p1=i just got 1 comboed by that saber
p2=hes prob 200 tons and masturbates saber cuz hes an ABA Saber Main
by MilimLover365 January 28, 2022
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SYLLABICATION: sa·ber-tooth tiger
PRONUNCIATION: say'br-tootht
NOUN: (1) Any of various extinct cats of the Oligocene to the Pleistocene Epoch, especially one of the larger members of the genus Smilodon, characterized by long upper canine teeth.
(2)The process and act of simultaneously inserting two penises into the mouth of a third party. This person is presupposed to be performing fellatio on two men at the same time.
Dude, me and Matt saber-tooth tigered Sheena last night! ...but...that doesn't mean we're gay or anything....
by Donkey Rocket September 18, 2005
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Its when two gay dudes wear glow in the dark condoms and then battle with their dicks. Then half way through the fight, one cries out "Luke I am your father!!"
Person 1: "Hey do you have the glow in the dark condoms?"
Person 2: "Are we going to have a Light Saber Fight tonight?"
Person 1: "Oh yeah!!"
by Vivian12345 March 3, 2011
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A term used when a girl of non african decent, usually white, dates a person of african decent. Meaning that she "has gone to the dark side" thus uses a red light saber like in Star Wars. In other words a black mans penis.
Hey dude, I heard Betty likes the red light saber.
by Brandon16 May 30, 2008
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