Life is good! Things don't get much better than this!
My wife's pregnancie test was positive, my stocks up $11,000 overnight! Man O' Man! life is a RC Cola and a Moon Pie!
by talk2me-JCH2 January 30, 2021
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The social faux pas (similar to vpl on a lady) for a gentleman or Sloane Ranger to wear trousers which are two large resulting in creases and suspicious-looking cloth bulges in the groin area.
Sadly, however, the Prime Minister's trousers were too big; he was suffering from RCS, rumpled crotch syndrome, which afflicted the previous Tory prime minister.

From "The Guardian" (April 29th 2011)
by Gashed Ferret May 1, 2011
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When you commit the action of rape in a mobile vehicle such as a car which is why it’s called RCS = rape car sex. They’re also other abbreviations such as RPS= rape plane sex
David: “yo did you go out with that girl yesterday.”

Ekeler “ yeah I did it went amazing I even RCS her”
David “ no way”
by Sabbmeister October 23, 2022
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Real Cracker Shit(RCS)
White people who have drama and problems in their life. Or a situation that is causing problems
Damn Ezra has some RCS going on tonight and can't hang. His bougee gf always up in the RCS.
by Ezra2727 July 5, 2023
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"Hey Joed, did you get a permit for that?"

"Oh Timothy, on your RCS again I see!"
by Bocka Flocka September 4, 2018
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RCS is a clusterfuck. The school is rather small, so everybody knows just about everyone, yet no one can mind their own damn business. Drama breeds in the school more than the seniors do. One of the best things about RCS is the parties, aint no school party like a RCS party. The teachers are almost all crazy, and the higher ups are hypocritical as shit. Every year there is a crisis because someones nudes get leaked. It only gets crazier as time goes on.
You go to RCS High School?
Yeah it fucking sucks, but at least some girls are hot and the parties are good.
by Watery Fuck Boy October 16, 2021
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