When somebody rips ass under the covers and wafts the air so that everybody smells it.
Example: I was laying in bed with James and he dropped a poisonous parachute. It made me gag it was so ripe.
by Datass March 4, 2019
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A trope, usually appearing in science fiction, where something directly contradictory to the pre-established science of the world happens.

Origin: The characters in K. A. Applegate's Animorphs series did a scientifically impossible (both by real-world physics and the fictional universe's) maneuver that the fandom refers to as the 'bird parachute'.
"Wow, those characters totally bird parachuted there!"
by Our Lord Pickles January 7, 2019
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A Pink Parachute occurs when two individuals engage in sodomy (gay or straight) and upon 'pulling out,' the inner wall of the anus visibly protrudes from the sphincter.
"I was banging this chick the other night and I gave her a Pink Parachute."
by Adawg4411 June 15, 2017
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When you have not got laid in so long you're ready to make a booty call to someone you normally wouldn't have sex with but it's better than a hooker.
Bro, I broke down and pulled the ripcord on my Parachute Pussy last night. It's been so long I almost went to the Rub and Tug.
by Lance Pimpstrong August 28, 2015
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(Scottish) Edinburgh saying referring to a lady who likes the boaby and her pants are like a parachute that hovver aboot the knee area.
Shut it parachute knickers, you've hud mare pricks than a second hand dart board!
by MC Yourmamma June 17, 2011
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When a girl has had so many men in her that her vagina is very lose
"Man did you see her? I herd she has a meat parachute"
by JJEM_Michael February 15, 2017
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A pizza that one orders ahead of time before a long night out so that (s)he can come home and eat before falling asleep, so as to stave off late-night hunger and next-day hangovers.
(Said after leaving the club/bar late at night:)
I'm fucking starving and I'm gonna bounce, but it's fine--I've got a parachute pizza waiting for me at home.
by B-Wahn the Keeper April 9, 2017
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