The stage during a relationship at which breast ownership transfers from the woman to the man.
Woman: Stop touching my boobs.
Man: But I love you. They're mine now.
by bassmanfunk February 17, 2013
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The three words that one should not say unless truly meant. "I love you" should typically be said only to the other if truly meant. Love is that feeling around the other that you may have never felt around anyone before. "I love you" can be like saying, "I will devote my life to you and promise not to ever hurt you." "I love you" is sometimes used very lightly and may break the others heart. It also is said with true meaning, I love you can make someone smile in seconds. Its true meaning is found within the heart of one another.

May also mean that you love the person not for their body and looks but for who they are, and that you will never cheat on them.
Person 1: I love you.

Person 2: Aww I love you too.
by tinman2 April 23, 2020
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The way I feel about you Melissa. You've made me happier than I ever thought possible. I never want to be without you again and I want to spend the rest of our lives together. That would make me the happiest person alive.
Dan: I love you
Melissa: I love you too, honey.
by backslash April 22, 2005
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If spoken by a woman: "I Love the way I feel when you're paying attention to me."

If spoken by a man: "Let's have sex."
The only person who ever loved you was your mother.
by Killing Kittens April 28, 2005
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I love you like a fat kid love cake.
by Gav February 6, 2005
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almost the same thing as i love you, but even harder to say

you'll have devoted all this time into this person, only for your feelings to later on decline and have yourself to tell the other person

even harder to say when you're in a relantionship
Friend Example
Tracy : Hey Kai, I loved you. But, not anymore though! I finally came across someone who, you know? Make me feel really weird around them since we're best friends. God, that feels so good getting off my chest.
Kai : Oh okay, thanks for telling me. Well I'm gonna go now, bye.
Tracy : Okay, bye Kai
Later on that day
Kai : Of course the day I realize she's "the one" I miss my chance

Relationship Example
Kai : So, you know how we've been pretty distant recently?
Tracy : Yes obviously! Are you going to tell me now?
Kai : Yes, actually. Tracy, I loved you.
Tracy : LoveD?
Kai : Yeah, loveD. Don't get me wrong. You're an amazing person, but I can't see the spark anymore. Goodbye Tracy.
by trechiri April 20, 2018
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