When two couples have sex in the same room, but there is no contact between the two couples.

Related to a foursome, but with the caveat that neither couple interacts with the other.
John: Hey, do you and your wife want to have a foursome later?
Tim: No! I don't want you fucking my wife!
John: No, it's fine. We can just do a looky-fucky.
by tinybigdick1 October 19, 2018
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A group of people that bullshit around all the damn time
Those dudes in the Inventory Department are a bunch of Fucky McFuckems, they need to get their shit straight.
by Action_Jackson VA September 25, 2009
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Fucky Balls is an exclamation uttered when one stumbles upon a disgusting situation that is a direct and obvious reflection of the sad and boring society we have inherited. This can be a reflection of nationalism, capitalism, sexism, cissexism, heterosexism, white supremacy, class elitism, ableism, or any sick state of affairs.

If you heard about a fucked up situation, you may exclaim, "Fucky Balls" and everyone would know you meant, "This world we have inherited is fucked up, oppressive and violent and this story is an example of the type of shit that comes out of such a society. We need to smash these oppressive and coercive institutions and erect alternative egalitarian, free and participatory institutions in their place." 
walking by some guy you weren't even listening to in the first place on your college campus "if so and so would lose some weight I might wanna ... "

response (prob shouted) with your friend you are walking with : "FUCKY BALLS"
by nunuhyerbusiness September 4, 2010
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This phrase is used to express that something is not right and also portrays the situation or concept as a bruh moment, or you have made a very big mess, or both.
Jonathan: Huh, I just used a knife for close range in a paintball championship.

Teammates: This is fucky wucky.

Jonathan: I made a really big fucky wucky indeed.
by Gottem21389 November 2, 2020
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A version of the phrase, "fucking yucky" that may bypass the onboard censors found on many internet fora.
{From an online group with the topic of being a grocery store employee}

{Marvin Batech}: When some smelly, fat woman that smells like she hates showers reaches three feet into her boob and armpit crevices to fish out $5 and then they make a face when I grab that shit with my sleeve.

{Craig Johnson}: O MAN THAT'S YUCKING FUCKY!!!
by Telephony January 28, 2018
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When one drinks a lot of bourbon (preferably cheap brands like Old Grand Dad or Ancient Age) and then engages in sexual relations with an immediate family member.
Dad shouldn't have made us share a cabin in the cruise ship. After dinner the third night, my sister and I ended up having a Kentucky Fucky.
by squishdish May 17, 2017
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When you are eating chop-suey and fucking an Asian girl at the same time.
I was hungry at the Asian massage parlor, so I went to the chop-suey joint. I got that shit to-go, and went back to the parlor for some slop fuckie! killed both birds my friend.
by Nosefuckers Incorporated December 13, 2012
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