1. A person from the northern United States, who tends to believe everyone from the south is uneducated, or a redneck.

2. Someone from the northern United States, who is bigoted towards all from the south, to the point where he believes them to be less evolved.

3. Someone who refuses to believe someone from the southern United States can be intelligent.
As John walked down the streets of his hometown Chicago, he looked down and realized his watch battery had died. He asks the next person walking for the time, and starts a conversation with him, in which they discuss scientific theory, and eventually John asks him where he is from, Fred replies, Memphis, Tennessee. John, being a Northern Elitist, even though just moments earlier regarding him as an intelligent individual, now completely changes his opinion of Fred simply because he is from the south. John is a bigot, towards southern people.
by Atroxletum February 12, 2010
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Someone who thinks all things should be homemade or made from scratch. They think they are super creative and crafty. Someone who is against using anything from a can in their recipes. Someone who is against using anything from a box. Everything must be organic, whole grain, multiple grain, grass fed, pasture raised, free-range, whole foods. They feel superior to everyone and insult people who don’t do what they do. Because they always do everything perfect. They are so certain of their beliefs being right. Usually someone from New York City, California, Portland.
Oh, I would never eat anything from a can or box. Everything must be whole foods, organic, whole grain, multiple grain, grass fed, pasture raised, free-range. Everything I make is homemade and I always start from scratch. The food and everything else is so much better where I come from." That person is an elitist snob, elitist snob.
by happyperson12 November 1, 2012
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a metal elitist is a person, typically an older metalhead guy or an incel teenage boy, who only listens to metal, likes to gatekeep metal, and will call you a poser if you like nu metal or popular metal bands. they are usually misogynistic and will call anything that doesnt fall under an extreme metal genre mid.
Me: “I like the bands Korn and Slipknot. I am also a fan of Metallica.”

Metal Elitist: “Theres no way you like that mallcore bullshit! All they do is sing about angst and dress like rappers! How could you possibly want to listen to a song where a man expresses his emotions? Poser!” *recommends you a black metal band that makes songs about killing jews*
by hayden06 December 25, 2021
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The idiots that commonly frequent yahoo Chat. These tpe of yahoo chatters tend to act as if they have no life outside their computer. Tend to be Know-it-alls despite the fact that the contradict themselves on a regular basis.
There tactics tend to be.

1. Shouting down all those on yahoo voice chat.

2. Tend to accuse other people of random things and fail to back up their claim.

3. Possibly are racist, ethnocentric, closed mind, ect

Those stupid Yahoo Elitist are hogging the mic in Yahoo political Chat room 1.
by ????^_^???? September 11, 2006
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Someone whose brain has left them for listening to Burzum. Usually the result of bad parenting and/or asshole p.e. teacher. They believe there should not be any other bands besides the one they like and that noone can have a different opinion.
Jake is such a metal elitist, yet he is a poser.
by deathcore_kid September 22, 2020
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A bamma or a person with bammerish qualities, who abstains from other groups but ones own. Groups usually having the qualities of: upper class, booge, and/or simple, but thinks they are intelligent.
Ex. He is a straight bamma elitist. I saw him eating pizza with a fork.
by Belvidere Worthington December 18, 2008
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