1. The act of catching ones genitals in the zip of their pants.

2. An ancient form of information movement. Thought to have been used by the romans.
v.zip disk

past tense: jonny zipped his disk whilst urinating on his computer.
by AshoE May 20, 2006
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1. The act of catching ones genitals in the zip of their pants.

2. An ancient form of information movement. Thought to have been used by the romans.
v.zip disk

past tense: jonny zipped his disk whilst urinating on his computer.
by Ash of Derbyshire May 15, 2006
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What a nerd calls his penis. Sometimes more than just the penis will be given a computer part equal.
Art: Hey man, I hooked up with Gretchen last night.

Mortimer: Excellent, did you insert your floppy disk into her drive?

(Nerdly snickers)
by Mr.Raycy$t August 31, 2011
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A C.O.D. insult used when someone is so bad at the game that they should just "break their disk" and stop playing.

Can also be used to undermine any significant achievement in the game.
Guy 1: "Damn I went 2 and 15 that round."

Guy 2: "Yo, just go break your disk."

Example 2

Guy 1: "HOLY SHIT! I just got collateral damage with a python!"

Guy 2: "You're sooooo bad, go break your disk."
by TranscendentLion January 19, 2011
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3 1/2 diameter disk that holds 1.44 MB of memory for a computer. when computer geeks are argueing make sure u ask them if they have tried the floppy disk. then with they respond with a now. put stress on different syllables and slow down or spped up the changed word...or both
f l o ppydis k
flopidydoppy diskeititdy
and many others...use your immagination ant piss off thoes linux lovein losers
by the cheat February 20, 2003
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Common problem most PS2 owners experience sooner or later where the console stops reading disks of certain types or all CDs used in the unit and displays 'Disk Read Error'.
Usually linked to the laser misaligning itself or a dirty lens.
I just got this thing a month ago how can I be getting disk read errors?

this isn't even scratched why's it giving me this crap?
by Andy April 5, 2005
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