What the Gulag prisoners drink on New Year's. All of the chunks are kidney stones,
"Oh man, I hope I don't have to drink Chunky Piss again"
-Gulag Prisoner
by Harold Flower January 1, 2015
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A girl who has a little weight on her but not enough to call her fat.
That girl isn't big, she's more of a chunky butt.
by TheMightyMos December 16, 2008
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When your pockets are full of cash resulting in your pants appearing to be chunky
“Walking out the bank I got chunky pants, dollars hanging out my pocket” THE_OG_LORENZO
by FLYING PIPPY March 19, 2022
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Someone who is sexually attracted to girl/woman slightly overweight, but not a BBW.
My buddy is a chunky chaser, I saw him flirting with this girl looking like Queen Latifa.
by Gucci Bawlz July 2, 2009
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chunky squirel is a pokemon that is chunky he runs around like a fat pig and eats nuts the size of jj's forehead
by chunkluke June 14, 2020
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When a chick is giving a dude a blumpkin, and she vomits on his cock due to the smell, and the continues with blumpkin.
That drunk chick last night decided she wanted to suck my cock while I was taking a shit, and she couldn't take the smell and ended up giving me a chunky blumpkin.
by cryanken June 27, 2010
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