I'll be there before you know it. If you keep spending money like that, you'll be broke before you know it.
by Gemini Fox December 16, 2013
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A Phrase used when a comment is used sarcastically but favores you completely and you just have to comfirm that it was correct
Man 1-Wow! There's Something Big In Those pants Of Yours
Man 2- You Know That's right

Woman1- Man That Tasted Good
Man1-You Know That's Right

Man1- You Ignorant Slut You had an affair with my wife
man2- You Know That's Right
by BlackChocolatethunder April 11, 2010
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The Dark Lord, y'know, the one who doesen't have a kickass mace and a ring fetish...

"You know, I see the oppurtunity for a union here..." - Lord Voldemort (AKA "You Know Who", or "The Dark Lord") to Sauron (AKA "The Dark Lord") and Darth Vader (AKA "The Dark Lord")
by Alexander Girard December 31, 2005
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The expression ‘you know what’ is when one may say to another to get their attention, in a conversation. One may say this expression several times throughout one conversation to ensure they still have the attention of those participating in the conversation.

‘you know what’ also is when your stating to someone about something there not aware of , or when someone constantly pays them out they use the expression.
Your outfit looks like your going clubbing not to work!
‘you know what’ no one likes you!
by NATASHACAR January 13, 2011
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That thing kenny said when lee asked a question
Kenny: Hey Lee, You know how to pick a lock right?
Lee: No! Why would you say that?
Kenny: Well..You’re.. You know, Urban?
Lee: Oh you are not saying what i think you’re saying.
Kenny: Jeez Man, I’m from florida! Crazy stuff comes out of my mouth sometimes. Sorry.
by Bean Spider October 24, 2020
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Expresses immense praise for an individual's knowledge of motorsport, or an opinion that is agreed upon to a significant degree, most notably within Formula 1.
Person 1: “russell would body porris in that mclaren
Person 2: “w mate you know wheel
by scooberdoober January 16, 2022
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Frustrated response to something said. Passionate as well.
You know what?!!!! That ain't even right what you just said!
by GloJaz June 28, 2015
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