The act of sexual intercourse with a cheese curd, and the subsequent placement of that cheese curd in a close friend's Thanksgiving dinner.
1. "Hey honey, don't you wanna have sex? We always have sex after a big meal."
"Oh, sorry darling, I just had a long, stressful day of Wisconsin transplants."

2. "Dude! Why did you buy Swiss cheese!? Nobody has swiss cheese on Thanksgiving! What we need are some of those Wisconsin transplants!"

3. "Hey bra, if I didn't know any better I'd say this turkey is stuffed with Wisconsin transplants."
by Wildcard t October 24, 2009
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Whilst taking a shit you realize there is no toilet paper and have to move stalls mid shit with your underwear on your knees to a stall with toilet paper and finnish shitting
Cole: i had to commence a stall transplant midshit in Walmart

J.B.: same happened to me last year
by Lynyrd4skynyrd March 14, 2019
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Whilst taking a shit you realize there is no toilet paper in your stall so you swap stalls mid shit with your pants at your knees to continue the shit and wipe
Cole: ihad to commence a stall transplant at Walmart last week
J.B. : yeah me too
by Lynyrd4skynyrd March 14, 2019
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During anal sex, when a top fucks two different bottoms without cleaning off his dick in between
Jason gave me and Luke a fecal transplant with his cock last night”

“Dude, that’s hot
by shelby_18 May 6, 2020
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A Mandingo Transplant is when a White Guy with a Small Fallus endevours to sort it his Small Problem by taking extreme measures and aquiring the largest model on the market where the person decides to change out their current meager member for a Massive BBC (also known as a Mandingo)...
That White Boy is so small, he could sure use a Mandingo Transplant.
by D-503 August 1, 2023
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