Usually the smartest people at PTO, work on multi million dollar jet engines. Run engines while fucking your girl. Most often than not have huge dicks and always in the DMs of your bitch. Doesn't need a union because they don't have to fight for their worth, it is already known. Best job in southern Ohio
"did you see that GE test technician?" Yeah that GE test Technician is sod and has a huge dick.

"Yeah, she left me for a GE test Technician."

"Wow, that GE test Technician made me cum 7 times last night"
by TheGETestTech September 25, 2019
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The plural form of Tesco.
So do you work at Tesco? Yeah, I'm a technician. But do you work at like multiple technician? No, just the Tesco in Texas.
by Captainjan December 27, 2019
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The plural form of Tesco.
Oh, do you work at Tesco? Yeah, i'm a technician. But do you work at multiple technician? No, just the one in Texas.
by Captainjan December 27, 2019
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A vibe technician is another term for a great DJ. Usually, vibe technicians are the type of DJ to get everyone at the venue lit asf. They can also be your fairy-ass mother/father and play songs to make sure you and others get laid after the party.
Person 1: Man, Blaise is a great DJ! I gotta have him DJ my party.
Person 2: He isn't just a DJ, he's a vibe technician. He's the best of the best!
by huracan13 November 15, 2022
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Today is actually a holiday to celebrate how awesome JOSHUA MICHAEL KAVAN is. The name is just a cover up so the world won't go insane because the holiday is that amazing. People lie and say is national pharmacy technician day because no one gives a fuck about that. So put on your party hats and celebrate joshua michael kavan is amazing day!!!!
by fackfacktime October 25, 2011
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Typically a man/ he/him

Appearance: Balding 👩 🦲 ponytail

Carhart & Red Wing Boots . Farmers Tan & white chicken legs.
Personality: The world revolves around him, doesn’t like to cuddle, has a cable tool addiction, fixes everything with zip ties, and pees in a bottle he drank the day before.

Likes to point out homes he has preformed any tasks at! Constantly points out “bad cable jobs”. Thinks his work, is the work of God! Isn’t friends with any of the other “cable guys”. Has fallen off a pole once or twice in his life! Doesn’t think that using a harness is necessary! His only selfies are those at the top of their ladder!

Problem has poop stains and is never on time!
A Cable Technician is a human that smells like ass and is covered in asbestos!
by Canyoufeelthelovetonight October 28, 2022
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