Sugma is a pun/play on words

It is related to ligma, and bofa, but all three can be traced back to updog.
A person will say something like "it smells like updog in here"

Then someone else will say "what's updog"
Then the 1st person will say "not much sup' with you?"

But for ligma, and sugma people will say "did you hear about the guy that died of (insert 1 of the 2)?"

Then someone else will say "what is (insert 1 of the 2)?"

Then the 1st person will say "(insert 1 of the 2) nuts!"

Bofa is the same but instead of (sugma or ligma) nuts!"
They say "Bofa dees nuts!"

Most will be followed by a "ha got'em!"
Sugma nuts! ha got'em!
by Funtimes/ale123 October 19, 2018
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Sugma, a very severe form of Ligma, is a disease that is transmitted through venting in electrical. Sugma is an acronym, meaning Sussy Using Granulated Manscaping Amongus. This disease can be fatal, and if not treated properly can lead to Will Smith eating a glizzy too sussily. If you think you have the disease Sugma, immediately go to your nearest orthodontist, and have them prescribe you maximum strength melatonin, 2,569 gallons of bleach, 4,203 gallons of ammonia gas, 45 used syringes found on the street by a 7-11, and 67,097 tablets of opium. Once you have gathered these items, proceed to shove them up your rectum, and wait 9.7 seconds for the articles to kick in. Once they have, you have a 67.8% chance of surviving the infamous disease known as Sugma.
My friend died of Sugma last week.
by Quandalious Dinglenut October 12, 2022
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This is a phrase used mostly by idiots who want to roast people. It originally comes from ninja_hater's infamous ligma that was used to be like *ligma balls*. In the other hand sugma is used for *sugma dick*.
- Yo Jerry i've heard that your mother is sick from that nasty ass desease sugma.
- Sugma? Never heard of it. What is it?
- Sugma DICK!!
by kirl_irl July 26, 2018
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A fictional disease which is used to trick gullible people.
Ron: “Hey Tyler do you know what sugma is?”

Tyler: “No, what is it?”

Ron: “Sugma balls

Tyler: “Awww come on”
by Orangeman277 January 25, 2023
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Sugma is a very rare and very deadly disease. It is caused by nervous uncontrollable toe shaking aka NUTS. When NUTS happen your toes will start shaking uncontrollable as stated in NUTS but it starts very slowly. Sugma is undetectable until you are dead. Once Sugma starts you will start to like KIDS (kilograms of intense driving squirrels) witch is a TV show that is somehow linkedin to Sugma.
"Did you hear that Jen got Sugma"
"I think I'm catching NUTS"
by ImVerySmartAndNotDumb April 26, 2022
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Yo nijas got Sugma… Sugma nuts
by Monkeynigger May 12, 2022
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The opposite of LIGMA, known as SUCK MY BALLS
For Example "Quaid has SUGMA"
by VIone October 15, 2018
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