The second-best metal album ever made, behind only Dark Tranquillity's The Gallery. Recorded in 1995 by In Flames, it stands as their seminal accomplishment seconded by 1994's Lunar Strain and 1997's Whoracle. A true testament to spectacular riff-writing and guitarwork, every song has at least three distinct riffs, with a very dynamic lead guitar and a strong rhythm guitar and frequent double leads in parts. The vocals are powerful but not spectacular in any way and the lyrics are closer to poetry than 99% of music gets. The drumming is very fast and clean, but the drums and bass tend to make way for the guitar, which is clearly the highlight of the album and of In Flames in general, at least up until 2002's Reroute to Remain. A true testament to the riff- and solo-writing prowess of Jesper Stromblad, and a fantastic journey into another land, where creative and unrepetitive music reigns supreme. When combined with the 1996 EP Black-Ash Inheritance, it becomes an even better album simply due to the addition of In Flames's best song they ever wrote, Goliaths Disarm Their Davids, an epic track that stands out on an album that is nothing but epic tracks. A must-have for any fan of metal.
Man 1: In Flames is obviously a shite band. Clearly they're just another commercialized Slipknot knockoff.

Man 2: Not exactly. *hands Man 1 a copy of The Jester Race*
by Stand Ablaze September 30, 2005
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The act of intentionally encouraging racism or anger about issues relating to race, often to get a political advantage.
He accused his opponent's campaign of race-baiting in saying the tax cut will not help minority families.
by Julesann123 March 20, 2020
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a game played between two or more individuals on wikipedia. the goal is to get from one subject to an entirely different subject just by following links found on the pages.
-yo man i'll have a wiki race from shakespeare to tupac
- your on!
by raoulft January 11, 2008
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The penis and testicles when referred to as an interconnected unit for high performance coitus
Bill used a brand new razor to detail out his race kit for he and Amy’s mutual enjoyment.
by high mountain raw dog January 5, 2010
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To be beaten very badly at something, especially in such a fashion that you were behind from the start and never had a chance. Comes from the Boat Race, an annual rowing competition between Oxford and Cambridge, in which the first side to get ahead can move to the middle of the river (where the current is fastest) and is almost never overtaken thereafter.
"Chicago got boat raced by Green Bay, 37-3."
by kinnopio January 6, 2009
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Equestrian sport that involves turning three barrels in a cloverleaf pattern in the fastest time possible. Alternatively, throwing money out the truck window and having a friend hit you in the shins with a metal pipe will give you the same thrill.
" Why do you compete in barrel racing?"
" Because I love having a bank account balance of $2.42."
by barrelchick6 March 24, 2017
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A 'Race Pimp' is a race monger. They feed off racial tension and they live and die by racism. They offer nothing new, nothing good, nothing to repair, only conflict between the races. They are socially irresponsible, and think nothing of destroying innocent peoples names if it means furthering their own finances and level of fame. Reverend Wright from Chicago is the worst kind of Race Pimp because he uses the house of worship to race bait and sell his political agendas....and at the same time making a profit.
"Did you see Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson race Pimping on CNN today?"
by Vic/DA January 5, 2010
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