When someone is infatuated or otherwise has feelings for you because you own a Toyota Prius.
Boy- "I think you know.... I love you."

Beautiful Amazing Smiling Girl- "I love you."

Boy- "Are you sure? I mean it may just be Prius Infatuation."
by Borninechoes July 22, 2017
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The index of animals that are defined as megafauna, this is determined by whether they would survive a collision with a Toyota Prius. Any animal capable of surviving an impact with a Prius and doing more damage to the car is then defined as megafauna, examples include American Bison, Elephants, Rhinoceros, ect.
"My biology professor talked about various types of animals today and introduced us to the Prius Index."
by Burton-gator October 20, 2023
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It doesn't exist, if you see one driving down the road that is not a Prius, there is no such thing.
by thedarklight911 October 20, 2020
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a game popular in some parts of california.

it's punch buggy, only you don't hit people, and you aren't looking for vw bugs, you are looking for a toyota prius. the point break down is this:

5 pts per prius
60 pts if you see a prius re fuling at a gas station
60 pts if you see a prius at a drive-thru
400 pts if you see a prius with any of the following bumper stickers:
-a pro bush sticker
-a pro-life sticker
-a support our troops sticker
-"jesus loves me"

this game can go on for one car trip, or you can carry a notepad to keep points for a long term game. if it is a long term game, people can get extra points (double) for each prius they see while riding in a prius.

*can be played for money.
She kicks my ass every time we play the prius game.
by graphic freedom June 23, 2006
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What Toyota employees call the car...

Generates more toxic waste to manufacture and is about to start dumping it overpriced dead batteries into our environment.

High magnectic field causes extremely poor driving habits like trying to block other drivers from passing. Excessive armpit hair growth.

Considered a lesbian magnet car. Also used by mommy boy males with no balls.
Mr Toyada exclamed! Ah dis caar is Prius of Srit! but amellican resbo rike it!
by entitled1 April 3, 2011
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When you run a stop sign in a Prius and get stopped by the police you say the gas pedal stuck and you could not stop.
I used the Prius defense on the cop after I blew through that stop sign.
by Enestate March 18, 2010
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An erection obtained by either being in presence of or imagining a Prius.
"Yo dude, look at that Prius"
"True,Im getting mad Prius Wood right now"
by Austin Rochey November 11, 2014
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