a bi-sylabic greeting used to aknolwledge a friend or to obtain their attention.

NB: It is considered polite to speak the first sylable louder than the second and following a short 2-3 second pause. The greater the difference in sylabic volume (eg MUN...ty), the greater level of respect shown to the reciever of the greeting.

Please also be aware that without sylabic pause and volume change, the word munty may take on quite a different meaning - especialy around females.

See also Munty boy, munting and
bunty munter

Happy munting!
Doug: Mun...ty!

Fraser: Oh, hi there, I didn't see you there my good, good friend. That's ok, listen I've got to dash...MUN...ty
by The Dougs January 9, 2008
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A kind of word that one creates by mixing multiple words up. Usually happens when a person is intoxicated. Derived from drunken sentences.
Should be: There's no such thing as Crack-Heads in the Mariens.

Sounds like: Sno such thang az Crack-Hemun.

Sould be: Let me get a Mango Passion Drink.

Sounds like: Lemme geta Pango Massion Drink.
by MoonCricket February 6, 2004
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It's when you chase them and Fuck them
Aboriginal: you boy's wanna play mun chasey?
White guys: uhh... Whats that?
Aboriginal: It's when you FWARK em!
White guys: Oh i duno...
Aboriginal: You guys are fwarken gay
by Poopies December 5, 2007
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translated :

scottish man that was born and bread in scotland
person 1 : look at that guy wearing a kilt!

person 2: he's pure scottish mun
by Caitlin Sykes December 22, 2008
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A word that is so powerful it may result in your death used mostly on a red bus
Me: you wouldn’t even buck me at IV
Harold : you didn’t show up just sign out mun
by Alexis Kage January 27, 2021
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A different way of saying "Hello man"

Usually used to greet friends/family
(and can also be used to greet women)
*door starts to open quietly* "SOP MUNN" " SHUT UP MAN YOU ARE ALWAYS SO ANNOYING"
*door open again* "hey whats up guys its Sca...
by is ded October 12, 2016
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Shing Mun river is basically a river in Hong Kong that smells like shit and also full of shit especially dog shit that is why it smells so bad
Me: do you what river smells like my horses shit

You: dunno the river Nile ?
Me: nope is called the Shing Mun river
by Some guy from Hong Kong April 25, 2016
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