- a 'much, much' older woman hunting for a younger man.

Usualy has had some work done on the carcass and a bit of maintenance on the mug.

- see super cougar and add 10 years
Sifty left the club with what he thought was a super cougar but awoke to find her teeth in a jar beside the bed. She was much much older therefore a super cougar maxi!
by Café Pacific August 24, 2007
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When you are wearing a strapless maxi dress but have had so many drinks on a rooftop in the summer with your girlfriends that you decide to pick up your floor length dress from the bottom and raise it all the way up to flash everyone on the street below, instead of just simply lowering your strapless dress top.
B*****t just did the most epic maxi dress flash!
by Mls8910 August 23, 2020
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Derived from the term maxi-goth or maxigoth, but to describe a large/overweight Goth.
Look at the backtits on that maxi-goth; her corset is several sizes too small.
by Specimen Sample October 19, 2007
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The mental prison one is kept in as a Bitcoin maximalist. Closely guarded by Twitter influencers, thoughts and words are as controlled as in North Korea. In this mental cage, no exploration of DeFi, NFTs or other blockchains is allowed.
After breaking out of Maxi Mind Prison last year, I've made $40,000 in airdrops and keep my savings account in Anchor Protocol for a steady 20% APY on my dollars. Life is beautiful.
by kryptokaare June 10, 2021
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A popular meme in Romania about a news journal making an interview of some people which don't know how to properly speak.
"20-30 de inși au coborât din 4 mașini taxi-maxi"
by BaUSe123 October 29, 2017
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tiny piece of paper taped to your thong that makes no sense. i mean if you are going to wear a thong you a probably slutty enough to already be on some sort of birth control which will put always and cotex out of business BOOYA!
damn there is a piece of toilet paper stuck up my ass. no that is just your thong maxi pad. thanks p&g!
by terd ferguson September 1, 2004
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When the pre-professional, co-ed, law fraternity Phi Alpha Delta (also known as PAD) tries to take over the University's Student Union/Association, by campaigning for the highest positions in the Union/Association as the Chairman, Vice-President, and President.
Person 1: Yo i herd that Phil is running for President, Amanda for Vice-President, and David for Chairman.

Person 2: Aren't they all in PAD?

Person 1: YEah! They are trying to take over the Student Union to "Reform" it.

Person 2: Seems like they running a sketchy operation. Operation Maxi-PAD has commenced. We better help the other candidates win!

Person 1: Definitely!
by Rasperry Ice Tea May 7, 2010
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