Juri is one of the craziest people you will ever meet. She is kind, beautiful, and has very smooth skin. She is loyal, but very touchy. If you meet a Juri be very grateful you have one in your life. She normally has curly hair and deep brown eyes. She has great style. Though she might have a weak sense of humor, she could light up a whole room by one sentence
Person A: Dude have you met Juri?

Person B: Yeah bruh she's so pretty!

Person A: I love her hair
by Reese's are great July 13, 2023
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...a person,usually a hockey player.
In school who shouts out first bevor thinking.An asshole, ego and hater
He's such a juri....so dumb
by Dopple g January 5, 2017
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Wow, that's a Juri.
by JuriK21 January 14, 2023
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Social retardation of the worst kind, coupled with weird movement and awkward silence.
"goddamn that guy is Juri"
"Stop being so Juri, you're freaking them out"
by kronk_dk March 19, 2018
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a person who doesn't easily yield or break down. A strong and capable woman.
by FluffyLuffy July 28, 2022
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REFAN DUHH shorter people live longer.
rip juri
“You’ll never be forgotten juri”

Who lives longer juri or refan
by Who lives longer July 29, 2023
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They be jurying where they want to eat tonight.
by Cureo September 20, 2017
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