a caring boy who once u get to know him it is love at first sight
jonathan is cute
jonathan is awesome

jonathan is loving
by coolgirl4758966743 May 18, 2016
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Some emotional mexican kid, can be very chill at times, used to have a lot of friends all of life until he reached high school. Is always hiding everything and only uses the excuse,"I'm just being woke rn." while hiding the truth to everyone else. Usually is insecure about his relationship status. He has no control over his life and lets his emotions get the better of him. Doesn't like to discuss even with his close friends, just people who he's remotely known for a year.
Guy 1: Look at that guy, he's acting like a Jonathan.

Guy 2: Oh no, he's losing control again.

Guy 3: Look, he's running off.

Guy 1: I used to be close to him, now he only keeps to himself.

Guy 2: Lets help this guy?

Guy 1: No please don't, he won't listen to anybody and will stay in his shell

Guy 3: Well, I guess that his problem to fix...
by some woke ass boi March 26, 2018
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Adj.: to have the big sad
Verb: to do the big bad
"I'm feeling really Jonathan today."
"Man sometimes I feel like I just wanna Jonathan myself out the window."
by Moltaqa April 15, 2021
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Hi nice to see you've come to a different deffinetion I am a jonathan and my results are what ever you think is correct so a. Jonathan is a very loving,caring person who loves everyone including his friends and family going out of his way to help anyone although you can see a deep sadness in his eyes you know that he is perfect and ways is there for anyone he loves his girlfriend will show in different ways how he loves her and will show her his sense of humor to brighten you're day will light up a whole room with his bright smile and will be the best person or friend in you're life.
Wow look at jonathan did he just take his girlfriend to the movies then get her chocolates for Valentine's day
Girl 2: yes he did do that I wish I was dating a jonathan.
by Not that guy again April 15, 2019
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Jonathan is the dream boy. His adorable smile and his charming ways will make you fall in love. He may be insecure but he just needs someone to tell him he's got it all! Not to mention he's the perfect boyfriend. I'm not just writing this for all the Jonathan's out there. I'm also writing it for the one i love:)
I am never letting go of my Jonathan
by daniela._.9191 May 31, 2017
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Jonathan is a wild fortnite creature who roams the mobile lobby looking for unsuspecting targets to sweat on. If you encounter him, you are as good as dead.
Pr0G4mEr: Frick dude, I see a Jonathan!
sKiLlzPr0: RUNNN!!!
by Lexy_Boy December 3, 2018
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