Jeremy is a guy that is very attractive in personality and looks. Jeremy has multiple talents as well as an outstanding mind that's intellectual stimulating . Although more often than not he prefers to plan a project while someone else achieves the well thought plan . Jeremy should be the definition of penis . He's got a big one and definitely knows how to use it to get what he wants from a female . But oh that tongue . His true gift is to please a woman between those knees . The only down fall is that he is not keen to a commitment or having just one woman in his life . In fact jeremys sole ambition in life may just very well be to sleep with every woman he meets .Jeremy Is able to talk anyone into anything perhaps it's those eyes or that sweet voice or maybe it's the sentiment words he uses regardless another person stands no chance at telling Jeremy no if it's something he truly wants . Jeremy is a player a heart breaker and a risk taker . He is impathetic but selfish he is considerate yet self consumed he is sticky fingered and will give many variations of one event all of which he will be the Victim of some dramatic exaggeration of fictitious catastrophic purlexation. .
Oh but that tongue will have you forgive even the most hanous of his evilness
Jeremy is a womanizer
by Beautiful-chaos2luv August 31, 2018
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A person that you should never NEVER trust ever. He'll shatter and break you into millions of pieces. He will steal stuff from you and use you. He will force you to do stuff. Just never ever trust a Jeremy. I trusted a Jeremy once and it did not doo good for me.
Me: Are you a Jeremy?
Jeremy: Yes, I am
Me: Oh sorry I gotta go byeeeeeeeeeeee!
by Monkey_10101 October 19, 2020
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A masked man in attempt to cover his own mishaps. When in fact, his only flaw is not openly admitting his own mistakes so he can grow both inwardly, outwardly and spirtually. He is sporadic. His mood fluctulates between confident and sexy( rubs off as a bit arrogant) to depressed and mellow dramatic at times. He truly believes his own words. He chooses what memories he clenches onto. Hes negative. Hes vengeful, only when something or someone dampens his passion for someone/thing he truly desires. Hes a loner & he enjoys it that way for the most part. He usually marries omeone who is beautiful and more spiritually inclined or motivated. Someone who values self care and growth and communication. The object of his eye is love but he often takes it for granted . Hes hypocritical and judgemental. Hes a sucker for a quick fix which makes him more prone to cheat even if its just mentally and hes suceptible to the use of drugs & alcohol. Hes talented but also very insecure. He has close friends in and out of his life because he tends to not want to fix what he feels others have broken inside of him. He usually projects these negative feelings on to others . Others see it as irrational, rude and unjust.

In order to communicate effectively with others he must remember to be objective. His opinion is often not factual.

Jeremy can live a productive life with a beautiful soulmate but they must learn to teach and become a student at the same time, together.
"Why does he always turn it around on me ?"
"Hes a Jeremy!"
by Realztruth February 27, 2021
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Jeremy is a mysterious and quiet guy. He keeps to himself and stays in the shadows, he doesn't like attention. He is your mysterious bad boy who typically prefers motorcycles and leather jackets over cars. He has a very hard and cold outside personality, but once you get closer to him, he is a loyal and respectful friend, he will always be there for you if you need him, and will always have your back even if no one else does. Jeremy's eyes are his pickup game, they're always rich of a single color. Jeremy is the perfect boyfriend, he is always loyal to his girlfriend, he is trustworthy and knows what his girls wants or needs, he is cuddle material and knows how to please a girl just the way she wants. And inside his cold demeanor, he loves fluffy stuffed animals.
"Who is that mysterious new kid? His eyes are making me fall in love."
"That's Jeremy, he transfered in today."
by Just a girp November 4, 2019
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Someone born with a huge ass head
Jeremy has a big head
by NIGGERZ April 28, 2018
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Someone who is in jeremyism and goes to the church of Jeremy frequently. Created by smallishbeans/ Joel. It is a noun and plurel is Jeremies.
I am a Jeremy and us Jeremies shall rise!
by TheOneTrueJeremyIsSpongeBob September 12, 2020
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Guy1 I met a cool person the other day
Guy2 must of been Jeremy
by Jeremy’s Best friend April 12, 2018
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